Smith Morgan, LLP Oregon Personal Injury Lawyers Portland, Gresham, Newberg, Salem, Albany, McMinnville, Keizer, Lincoln City, Bend, Silverton

Law Offices of
Smith Morgan, LLP
525 Glen Creek Road NW, #300
Salem, Oregon 97304

Main Office
(503) 566-7426

Personal Injury Lawyers Oregon


Oregon Personal Injury Law Offices

Albany, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

Bend, Oregon

(541) 322-9007

Gresham, Oregon

(503) 892-5943

Keizer, Oregon

(503) 566-7426

Lincoln City, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

McMinnville, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Newberg, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Portland, Oregon

(503) 655-7998

Salem, Oregon

(503) 566-7426


Client Testimonials

Morgan and Associates serve personal injury clients in Portland, Gresham, Newberg, Salem, Albany, McMinnville, Keizer, Lincoln City, Bend, Silverton, and surrounding areas. Our law offices focus on assisting those who have been injured in an accident and need the help of an attorney. Please feel free to contact us if you, or someone you care about has been in an accident. We are very pleased with the way our clients feel about the legal services we provide and the satisfying outcome for so many.

“Dear Langdon Smith: I wish to extend my appreciation for all of your assistance with my car accident insurance settlement. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me in person, as well as providing continued coaching (ie suggestions) over the phone. Thank you for taking such an active interest in seeing that I received fair pain and suffering compensation. In the end, the settlement agreed upon was three times the original offer. Though it was an ongoing struggle, I am glad I sought the legal assistance I needed and was therefore able to stand up for myself.

Again, thank you for your time and assistance. It is nice to know there are folks like you out there in our community.”

Susan S.
Salem, OR

“Should anyone I know need a personal injury attorney, I will without a doubt send them to you personally!”

Katie S.
Portland, OR

“Thank you all so much for everything. This whole thing was very stressful for me and your assistance made this whole thing bearable. You are so kind and fun to work with. You have got to be one of the smartest people I know. Thanks again for everything.”

Samantha B.
Keizer, OR

“Morgan and Associates worked hard for my case. I didn’t think there was any way to make my situation right, but they did it. When the insurance company told me they would pay $1,500.00 for my pain and suffering I thought it was a joke. Turns out that my case was worth a lot more. I would never have known if it weren’t for Mr. Morgan and his staff. Thanks a lot!”

Gerald M.
Bend, OR

“All of you have made this experience less stressful than it could have been – I never knew it could go so smoothly.”

Grace M.
Albany, OR

“I never really knew what lawyers did, I just heard they were expensive and didn’t want one. The lawyers at Smith Morgan, LLP were not like that at all. My case wasn’t the biggest case they had ever handled, but they treated it that way. Every time I called I could speak to an actual person who knew what was going on with my case. I really liked the personal service they provided during this situation. Mr. Morgan even came to my house to meet with me. It was really nice not having to drive to their office, especially because I didn’t have a car at the time.

I would recommend their services to anyone who was in a car accident.”

Scott B.
McMinnville, OR

“Mr. Morgan: I want to thank you for the effort you put into my husband’s settlement. Not everyone is willing to go the “extra mile”. With much appreciation.”

Therese B.
Portland, OR

“I want to thank you for all the work you’ve put into my case. I know you probably handle cases worth a whole lot more money, but you treated my situation really great and I just wanted to personally say thank you to all of you for everything (putting up with me and my hubby!) Anyway, I will recommend you to anyone who needs a personal injury attorney. Hopefully, with some time, I’ll get better completely.”

Cindy M.
Eugene, OR

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Copyright - All rights reserved - 2007 to Present ~, Salem, Oregon
City Hall Photo Credit: Paul Miller