Smith Morgan, LLP Oregon Personal Injury Lawyers Portland, Gresham, Newberg, Salem, Albany, McMinnville, Keizer, Lincoln City, Bend, Silverton

Law Offices of
Smith Morgan, LLP
525 Glen Creek Road NW, #300
Salem, Oregon 97304

Main Office
(503) 566-7426

Personal Injury Lawyers Oregon


Oregon Personal Injury Law Offices

Albany, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

Bend, Oregon

(541) 322-9007

Gresham, Oregon

(503) 892-5943

Keizer, Oregon

(503) 566-7426

Lincoln City, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

McMinnville, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Newberg, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Portland, Oregon

(503) 655-7998

Salem, Oregon

(503) 566-7426



We want to hear from you and your case is important to us. In Oregon Call 1-888-INJ-ONLY for a FREE phone consultation with an actual attorney specializing in personal injury cases. We are confident that we can represent you no matter what your situation may be.

Please Note: 
Contact with an attorney by email or the initial free phone consultation does not establish legal representation.


Law Offices of
Smith, Morgan, LLP
525 Glen Creek Road NW, #300
Salem, Oregon 97304

Main Office Telephone
(503) 566-7426



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