Smith Morgan, LLP Oregon Personal Injury Lawyers Portland, Gresham, Newberg, Salem, Albany, McMinnville, Keizer, Lincoln City, Bend, Silverton

Law Offices of
Smith Morgan, LLP
525 Glen Creek Road NW, #300
Salem, Oregon 97304

Main Office
(503) 566-7426

Personal Injury Lawyers Oregon


Oregon Personal Injury Law Offices

Albany, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

Bend, Oregon

(541) 322-9007

Gresham, Oregon

(503) 892-5943

Keizer, Oregon

(503) 566-7426

Lincoln City, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

McMinnville, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Newberg, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Portland, Oregon

(503) 655-7998

Salem, Oregon

(503) 566-7426


Legal Departments


Persoanl Injury Investigation and Medical Treatment

Smith Morgan LLP, is a law firm which has three levels of experts working for you. As a new client you will be associated with our Investigation and Treatment Department. Here your case will be thoroughly investigated for maximum settlement value. Evidence will be gathered, cataloged and preserved for the future. All your primary concerns will be addressed and handled in this department. Some of those concerns may include:
  • Setting up your claim and benefits

  • Helping with rental vehicles and property issues

  • Securing wage loss benefits

  • Getting medical bills paid

  • Talking to insurance adjusters so you don’t have too, and

  • Holding responsible parties liable


Personal injury cases in Oregon

Oregon lawsuits for personal injury
Oregon law firm representing personal injury, wrongful death, Worker's Comp and more
Oregon personal injury, auto accidents, and wrongful death lawsuits
Legal assistance with insurance claims in Oregon



Personal Injury Negotiation

Once your doctor has determined you are medically stationary and prior to the statute of limitations, your case will be transferred to our finest Negotiations Department – Injury Lawyer Portland OR. Here your case will be prepared to insure maximum settlement offers. All information gathered to this point is critical to your case. You will be asked to provide a detail of injuries you have sustained. These injuries may include:
  • Physical injuries

  • Loss of vehicle use

  • Loss of property value

  • Wage & earnings loss

  • Loss of potential earnings and

  • Out-of-pocket expenses


Legal Action and Lawsuits

Sometimes, either due to the statute of limitations or unreasonable offers, your case will be transferred to our Lawsuit Department. Until now, your case has not involved the Oregon judicial system but at this point it is determined necessary that a lawsuit be filled with the court on your behalf with the county of jurisdiction. All defendants will be served and put on notice that the suit has been filed. Depositions will be taken and expert witnesses will be hired. This process may seem tedious but is necessary to continue to protect your interest.

During this period, every attempt to continue to settle out of court will be made. This effort could result in settling during Mediation or Arbitration. However, cases do go to trial and here the excitement really happens!

Summons/Subpoenas are issued, Jurors selected and expert witnesses are assembled. Your attorney will keep you apprised of the process and progress of the case. Settlements are made when YOU say so. Verdicts are made by the jury.

Smith Morgan LLP attorneys are licensed in certain jurisdictions. Our lawyers will not undertake representation of clients in states where he or she is not permitted to represent them in a court of law.

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