Smith Morgan, LLP Oregon Personal Injury Lawyers Portland, Gresham, Newberg, Salem, Albany, McMinnville, Keizer, Lincoln City, Bend, Silverton

Law Offices of
Smith Morgan, LLP
525 Glen Creek Road NW, #300
Salem, Oregon 97304

Main Office
(503) 566-7426

Personal Injury Lawyers Oregon


Oregon Personal Injury Law Offices

Albany, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

Bend, Oregon

(541) 322-9007

Gresham, Oregon

(503) 892-5943

Keizer, Oregon

(503) 566-7426

Lincoln City, Oregon

(541) 812-8085

McMinnville, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Newberg, Oregon

(503) 472-1155

Portland, Oregon

(503) 655-7998

Salem, Oregon

(503) 566-7426


Legal Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What is my auto accident personal injury case worth?

A.  Every legal case is different. The value of your case will be based on a variety of factors which your attorney will assess to determine a range of acceptable settlement values. Things like the severity of your injury, the length of your medical care, the amount of damage to the vehicles involved in the collision, the amount of your medical expenses, the liability conduct of the defendant, and the jurisdiction in which your case would be filed, all play an important role in determining the ultimate value of any legal claim.
Q. Will it enhance my chances of legal recovery by having an attorney represent me in my personal injury case?

A. Usually. The attorney is experienced in dealing with the claims and can advise you and negotiate for you as your advocate. Often the attorney will only charge fees if they improve your recovery.
Q. If I hire an attorney for my personal injury case, will I have to go to court?

A. No. This is still your decision to make. The attorney can help you preserve the evidence, determine car values, get a rental car, get wage compensation going, make sure the medical bills are paid and advise you regarding the applicable laws. Getting an attorney involved early can actually help you avoid litigation.
Q. Should I agree to a taped statement to the insurance company regarding my auto accident?

A. Not without the advice of a lawyer. There is a reason that most insurance companies insist that the statement be taped.
Q. How long does it take to settle a personal injury case?

A. With an experienced attorney you remain involved with that decision. The attorney can help you make decisions on timing while avoiding the possible notice and time limitation traps.
Q. How much will it cost to talk to the attorney about my personal injury case?

A. There is no charge for an initial consultation. If the attorney agrees to help, you can arrange to pay a fee only if you recover.
Q. Can I discuss my possible claim with someone in your law firm?

A. Certainly. Please feel free to call us!
Q: What is negligence?

A: By the most simple definition, it means that a person was careless which resulted in someone else being injured.  Negligence is really the basis for a personal injury lawsuit and pertains to any conduct that is below the recognized standards of behavior established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risks of harm.

Q: What does the term "liable" mean?

A: Legally liable generally means that a court has determined that a person, company or some other entity caused, and is responsible for, another person's injury.   When a person, company or some other entity is found liable, they are generally obligated to compensate the injured party for their damages.

Q: What happens in a legal deposition?

A: When a personal injury lawsuit is filed, the attorney for the defendant will likely “depose” you or take your deposition. A deposition is the process in which the defendant’s attorney asks you questions about the accident and records your answers, as you swear to be truthful with your responses to the questions. A deposition is usually done in an office or conference room and at some point if you are required to testify in court, your answers will definitely be compared to your deposition and you will be questioned as to any inconsistencies.


Legal case process and steps

  • Obtain client's pertinent information

  • Initial investigations

  • Collecting evidence

  • Take witness statements

  • Obtain police report

  • Take or obtain pertinent case photographs

  • Obtain recorded statements from involved parties

  • Contact insurance companies

  • Assist with property damage

  • Explore all avenues of potential recovery

  • Discuss and determine medical treatment needs

  • Prepare and present a demand to defendants

  • Review medical billings

  • Help with insurance company claims

  • Negotiations with liable parties

  • Approaching insurance company for fair settlement

  • File law suit if fair settlement is not forthcoming

  • Take action for case discovery

  • Set-up and take depositions of parties involved

  • Locate relevant expert witnesses  (interview and hire)

  • Trial preparation

  • Trial

  • Jury selection

  • Opening statements

  • Examination and cross examination

  • Closing arguments

  • Verdict

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